40 copies
Signed and numbered
Editions 1 to 6 are accompanied by the folded billboard poster
26,5×43 cm
10.4×16.9 in.
210 pages
400×300 cm
157.5×118.1 in.
2 color offset
Silkscreened cardboard

The ”Billboard Book” book of Jonathan Monk, harks back to other times. It is fabricated from the billboard project announcing its publication, is a piece of conceptual wizardry. It refers to itself in the natty text that Monk devised, invoking every last piece of technical detail constituting its manufacture. And then, the object slices up, and becomes a volume, showing, in one neat gesture, how irrelevant taxonomies such as sculpture/painting/book, really are. Here, the humility and humor of Monk come brilliantly to the fore. Every last soul involved in the manufacture of this book object has been duly mentioned. Monk acts more like a producer in this case, and shows the artistic process for the collaborative endeavor it really is.

The billboard/book his designed by Vier5 using their distinctive “low res” original font.

The Billboard Book Project (Paris) installed in the streets of Paris and at Three Star Books.

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