Typed Paintings (The Crepe Paper series)

Unique works
Signed on the back
#01, #05, #09: 35×27 cm
#02, #03: 40×30 cm
#04, #06, #07, #08: 33×24 cm
#10, #11,: 35×35 cm (diamond shape), #12: 32×24 cm, #13: 33×25 cm, #14: 33×41 cm
Crepe paper on wood
Mixed media and carbon paper transfer


Raffaella della Olga has been creating unique books with modified typewriters since 2016.
Bibliophiles and collectors know that manipulating an artist’s book is a very private experience which convinced Three Star Books to ask the artist to create wall works for a larger public experience.
The “Typed Paintings” that TSB is proud to present are the result of intense studio research and adaptation in order to translate the delicate work, mastered in the form of books, into wall works.
As the artist was working and the “Typed Paintings” were slowly being produced, more than ever, Sol LeWitt, Agnes Martin, Sophie Tauber Arp, and many others came to inhabit Raffaella della Olga’s new works.

The Crepe Paper series were specially prepared for the 2024 New York Art Book Fair.

Click here to see della Olga’s installation of the inaugural “Typed Paintings” presentation @ Three Star Books.
Three Star Books published “LINE UP” in an edition of 26 copies (2021).

Read a text (in French) on Raffaella della Olga’s “Typed Paintings” by Patrick Javault here (and in English here.)

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