As a sequel to Rirkrit Tiravanija’s presentation in 2011, Simon Starling created a site-specific installation in the windows of the Gallery of Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (San Marco Square), featuring Three Star Books and Westreich/Wagner Publications.
Starling placed four books by the two publishers in the windows of Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, treating the objects as if they were coveted goods not dissimilar to the luxury products on display throughout the same neighborhood in San Marco.
 One book was featured in each vitrine of the gallery, and presented in the center of the blackened window in a box lined with black velvet. The windows were delicately ornamented with gold leaf symbols - all common notations of printing and text – applied with a nonchalance that questions their actual materiality.
 The object in quotation marks, or being pointed to, was in fact a highly crafted and carefully conceived work of art, more sculpture than book. A play between media, communication, representation and the object itself to which Starling points, subtly referencing Italian signage traditions at the same time.
Three Star Books and Westreich/Wagner Publications wish to thank Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa for hosting the installation of this project.
The exhibited books were : 
John Armleder, "Black Cat" 2012 - Three Star Books
 James Beckett, "Works of James Beckett with constant interjections by Frank Key" 2013, Westreich/Wagner Publications 
Mike Kelley, "Reconstructed History" 1990, Westreich/Wagner Publications / Galerie Gisela Capitain
 Simon Starling, "27 Homemade Henningsen Lamps (+ 1 average Lamp)" 2011 - Three Star Books

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